DISRUPT Media Blog

Funeral Home Marketing 101: A Holistic Approach to Engaging Your Community in a Virtual World

Written by Ryan Thogmartin | Sep 16, 2020 3:05:42 PM

DISRUPT Media has a proven track record of creating positive change for hundreds of funeral homes worldwide. Now, we want to help you!

The countdown to our Funeral Marketing 101 session is on! This is a completely FREE hour to hour and 15 minute-ish webinar packed with actionable information and real examples!

We want to help you examine and understand basic marketing fundamentals you can apply to your cemetery and funeral home businesses.

Join us on September 29 at 3:00 PM EST to hear all about the following topics:

  1. How to stand out in your market
  2. Creating community in person and online
  3. Easy ways you can blend traditional advertising with social media 

We'll be discussing all of this and more! RSVP today so you don't miss out!

*The recording will be sent to all who register! Please register now as we do have a LIMITED number of registration spots available via Zoom.