Retargeting is an incredibly effective ad strategy that most of your competitors aren’t using, which means you should start today. Even if you’re not familiar with the marketing term “retargeting,” we’re about 1000% sure you’ve experienced it. Consider this scenario...
3 Reasons Why Your Funeral Home or Cemetery Should Use Retargeting Ads in 2020
Dec 9, 2019 11:58:40 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy, funeral home marketing
What Can the Funeral Profession Learn from Country Music
Nov 9, 2019 10:01:17 PM / by Eli Gable
I've been passionate about country music my whole life. I started buying Haggard CD's when I was 8, and I dressed up as Randy Travis for my elementary school’s Halloween. Even now I devote much of my time to being a part of this genre. Growing up, I never understood why I liked it so much, but I've come to realize my love for the style comes from its powerful yet simple lyrics.
Just days ago DISRUPT Media introduced Price My Funeral, a brilliant new lead generation tool built exclusively for the funeral home profession. DISRUPT owner and CEO Ryan Thogmartin created Price My Funeral to offer death care professionals the social traction tools that were missing from the market’s current lead gen options.
DISRUPT Media Launches Price My Funeral Lead Generator
Oct 22, 2019 5:22:50 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Price My Funeral
Zanesville, Ohio., (Oct. 22, 2019) – In response to increasing demand, funeral home marketing leader DISRUPT Media has created an innovative pricing and lead generation tool that not only drives leads but gives funeral homes the social tracking that has been missing from existing options.
The One Component Missing From Every Single Funeral Home Marketing Conversation
Oct 14, 2019 9:07:09 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Social Media Strategy, storytelling, funeral home social media
When I tell you there is one thing missing from every single funeral home marketing conversation, what would you think that one thing might be? Content? Goals? Budget? Analytics? Video?
The Easy Blueprint for Finding Your Most Profitable Consumer on Facebook
Sep 30, 2019 10:12:02 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Social Media Strategy
A marketing funnel is a way of breaking down the customer journey all the way from the “awareness” stage, top of the funnel, (when they first learn about your funeral home or cemetery) to the “transaction” stage, bottom of the funnel (when they’re ready to buy your product or service).
We talk a lot about leads — why you want them, how to get them, and how we can help you find them. But do you really understand what a true “lead” is when it comes to your marketing efforts?
5 Benefits of Social Media, Other Than Leads, Every Funeral Home Needs to Know
Aug 9, 2019 11:38:55 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy, funeral home marketing, funeral home social media
Social media is 'marketing.' It's not the new marketing, it's the current state of marketing, and funeral homes and deathcare companies can no longer afford to ignore it. There are so many reasons why deathcare companies need to get their heads out of the sand and start engaging on the platform used by over 75% of all Americans over the age of 45.
5 Misconceptions Funeral Professionals Have About Facebook Marketing
Jul 17, 2019 6:02:36 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy, funeral home marketing, funeral home social media
I am privileged to speak at many state, national, and even international funeral conventions each year. This allows me the opportunity to talk with hundreds of funeral professionals and to answer thousands of social media questions. In some cases, funeral professionals try to explain to me why they don’t need to market on Facebook or how they have mastered Facebook marketing because they have a young staff member.
DISRUPT Media Announces Partnership with Domanicare
Jun 17, 2019 5:05:40 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media
All DISRUPT Media clients now get free access to Domani for Grief