As of February 19, 2025, Facebook has implemented a policy change that affects all users who utilize Facebook Live, including funeral homes that stream services for remote attendees. Live videos will now be automatically deleted 30 days after their broadcast. This change underscores the importance of promptly managing and preserving your live-streamed content to continue serving families effectively.
Facebook to Auto-Delete Live Videos After 30 Days: What Funeral Homes Need to Know
Feb 26, 2025 2:19:31 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Facebook Live, social media, Blog, Facebook, funeral home social media
The Power of the Reoccuring Content
May 11, 2022 1:22:11 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Facebook, funeral home social media
“What should I be posting on Facebook? I’ve used up all my good ideas.” - Lots of Funeral Professionals
Mar 7, 2022 10:18:32 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy, funeral home marketing
The largest stadium in the world, Narendar Modi Stadium, holds 132k people
Digital Marketing is NOT All Equal
Feb 9, 2022 8:05:32 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Facebook, Funeral Homes, funeral home marketing
All digital marketing is important- but it’s not all equal.
There are so many ways to digitally market. Popular ones include- search engine optimization, pay-per-click, email, text message, and social media. There are several other forms but these are just a few that came to mind quickly.
4 Social Media Marketing Mistakes Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Are Making (and How to Fix Them)
Jul 9, 2020 2:19:34 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
Living and breathing social media marketing is a major blessing and a deadly curse. For us, it means always being ahead of the game. Leading a profession into the current state of marketing is a big responsibility.
Your Unofficial Facebook Page May Be a Business Killer
Mar 26, 2019 10:14:02 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
What is an unofficial Facebook page? We answered this question in an earlier blog but to review; an unofficial page is a Facebook business page that is created when someone “checks in” to your business with their smart phone. It’s so common for people to check in that, more often than not, your business has a Facebook page – one that you didn’t create and one about which you may be totally unaware. Think of it as a billboard for your funeral home that you didn't create and you don't know what it is on it and your entire community is viewing it and talking about it.
Mar 26, 2019 10:08:55 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, DISRUPTu!, Facebook
So many funeral homes we come in contact with say they are 'leveraging Facebook' for their funeral home, but it is not working. When we start digging into it, we discover that they are just buying generic content and posting to their Facebook. This is a complete waste of money. In this episode, Ryan, explains why and what you should do about it.
Want a Quick Mother's Day Social Media Post? Download our FREE Video!
May 7, 2018 11:43:19 PM / by Justin Crowe posted in mothers day video, social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, funeral home marketing, funeral home social media
It's time again to buy flowers, chocolate, spa gift cards, and pancake breakfasts to show the incredible mother's in our lives how much we appreciate them. Mother's Day 2018 is right around the corner and it's the perfect time for your funeral home to join the celebration of inspiring women in your community. Since this is one of the most beloved holidays, we've made the perfect FREE video for you to share with your social media audience.
May 2, 2018 9:10:37 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, DISRUPTu!, Facebook
My competitor is heavily engaged on Facebook, and I am not, what should I do? Ryan, gets into this question and discusses what to do if you're late to the party and why freaking out and playing copycat isn't the answer.
Apr 24, 2018 9:53:43 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in DISRUPT60, social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Stop being romantic! This isn't something you typically hear in marketing but 'romance' is killing many funeral homes. Let me explain: