Most funeral home Facebook users who maintain a business page understand the importance of increasing their fan base so their content has a better chance of being seen by more people. But we’ve made it clear in a previous article that the average Facebook user will NEVER see all the content posted by his or her friends and by the businesses s/he follows. There is simply too much, so Facebook utilizes algorithms to filter users’ news feeds and prioritize the content that rises to the top (if Facebook didn’t filter the news feed users could see up to 15,000 pieces of content each day). The end result of this filtering is that, on average, only 6% of the content posted by a business is ever seen by the fans of their page.
Ryan Thogmartin
Recent Posts
Funeral Homes: How to Target Local Customers with Facebook Ads
Jul 25, 2016 4:06:25 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
Embracing Pokemon Go: A How To Guide for Funeral Homes and Cemeteries
Jul 13, 2016 11:33:47 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, DISRUPTu!, Funeral Homes
Is Your Funeral Home Missing out on These Facebook Business Page Tips?
Jul 11, 2016 4:44:02 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
In a recent article, we clarified the difference between a Facebook business page and a personal profile. Because the goals of maintaining a business page differ greatly from the reasons for having a personal profile, there is little overlap between the two. You need to treat your business page as something unique in order to maximize its potential.
What’s the Difference Between a Facebook Business Page and a Personal Profile?
Jun 25, 2016 11:25:33 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
This is one of the most common mistakes funeral professionals make on Facebook and it’s a big one.
I talk to a lot of funeral directors about social media, Facebook in particular. There is simply no better way to represent your funeral business than on Facebook. Facebook is HUGE, and it’s growing by the minute. It has a lot of moving parts. This can tend to generate some confusion for those who do not spend a lot of time engaging online.
The Starting Point of Social Media Begins at the End
Jun 20, 2016 8:36:39 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
It sounds crazy that to begin a project you would start at the end. It would be like opening that new swank white desk from IKEA and flipping to the last page of the directions to begin assembly (although starting at Step 1 of the normal IKEA directions probably will get you as jacked up as skipping the directions completely). Starting at the end doesn’t make much sense in most life situations. Generally we are starting with the foundation and building from there, but social media is different. You need to see the end to find the beginning.
The McDougald Funeral Home Gets Engaged with DISRUPT Media
Jun 20, 2016 12:06:52 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Seeking a way to use social media engagement to make a difference in their community, the McDougald Funeral Home, Cemeteries and Cremation Services has selected DISRUPT Media to coordinate its social media strategy and content management. Using their proprietary FUNERAL Social Design Process, DISRUPT Media is helping the McDougald Funeral Home become engaged on multiple levels.
Jun 13, 2016 3:28:15 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, DISRUPTu!, Facebook
On this episode I talk about the secret to marketing (it’s all about the heart), how social media levels the playing field and complaining sucks - so if you hate the funeral profession that much you should just leave.
8 Quick Insider Tactics for Increasing Engagement on Your Facebook Page
Jun 6, 2016 12:31:59 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
Facebook is a busy place! This is both a blessing and a curse for funeral homes who are working to get noticed online. It’s great that so many potential customers frequent Facebook these days (about as often as they use the restroom!), but with so much traffic and competition in the Newsfeed it can be difficult for a funeral home to get noticed. We’ve compiled below some quick tips as to how you can increase the odds of being seen when people use the restroom, er…when they browse their Facebook Newsfeed:
Jun 2, 2016 12:24:08 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, DISRUPTu!, Facebook, Funeral Homes
On this episode I talk about the value of Facebook and why a presence there is more than just good will - you should really be driving results - if not, you're doing it wrong. I also discuss why the market (the consumer) doesn’t give two craps about you.
Demystifying the Facebook Newsfeed: What Death Care Companies Need to Know
May 23, 2016 7:55:23 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
The reason funeral homes maintain a Facebook page is simple…they want Facebook users in their community to see their content on a regular basis. When potential customers enjoy the items you post on your funeral home Facebook page, they warm up to your brand, they learn more about you and they see the realest form of your funeral home making it more likely that they will choose you over your competitors when they have a need.