A quick 23 hours in Phoenix for the ICCFA Wide World of Sales conference. It's all part of the FUNERAL hustle.
Jan 25, 2017 1:43:52 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Funeral Homes, FUNERAL Hustle
FREE Groundhog Day Video Download for Funeral Homes
Jan 25, 2017 1:39:12 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
FREE Groundhog Day Video Download for Facebook!
Finding content for your funeral home's Facebook page can be tough. We have you covered! We have created a FREE Groundhog Day video (seen below) post that is perfect for your funeral home's Facebook Page.
Resolved: This Year Make Facebook the Centerpiece of your Marketing Efforts
Dec 31, 2016 2:42:50 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
It’s 2017. Are you still marketing your funeral business like it’s 1979 (I know most of you are)? Are you spending the bulk of your advertising dollars on old school methods that are expensive and ineffective? There is a major problem in this profession where funeral directors think they can be guarded from change - like you're untouchable from what the market (consumer) demands or wants. Regardless of what you do or how you market, you think families you have served in the past are always going to come back to you, this is just not true. Yet, we (the profession) continue to do things the same way we always have. The market doesn't owe you anything. Every family is fair game and the funeral home that gets their attention is the funeral home that will win.
Dec 4, 2016 5:41:54 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, DISRUPTu!, Funeral Homes
Coming at you with fire. We get very practical on this episode.
Download Our Holiday Video Bundle Featuring 9 Premium Facebook Videos
Dec 4, 2016 5:27:34 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in Featured, social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Need some great Holiday themed content for December or want to bring more focus to your Pre-Need services?
Download our Holiday Video Bundle or Video Pack to fill your December Content Calendar and finish 2016 strong!
Click Here to Download
Facebook IS Word of Mouth Marketing
Dec 4, 2016 5:22:05 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes, Social Media Strategy
I talk with numerous funeral directors every week. When we discuss how they are currently marketing their business, they list the usual methods: radio, newspaper, television, Yellow Pages, direct mail, and…word of mouth (WOM). Almost always they will comment that word of mouth marketing is, by far, the most effective.
Trump Credits Social Media for His Unexpected Campaign Victory, Why Funeral Homes Should Listen
Nov 14, 2016 5:14:02 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Whether you love him or…not so much, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential campaign was a total surprise. The extreme organization of the Democratic National Committee in Clinton’s campaign, with it’s massive funding and full-bore media blitz, was touted as almost unassailable. Almost everyone got it wrong.
If Your Facebook Page Isn’t “Working,” You Are Doing It Wrong
Oct 17, 2016 5:08:09 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Yes, it’s a strong claim to make, but there are too many examples of funeral related businesses whose Facebook pages ARE working to deny the truth…when you do it right, your page will generate a lot of attention, engagement and leads (yes, real leads from families in your community).
Music Funeral Services Selects DISRUPT Media
Oct 11, 2016 7:00:00 PM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Hires agency to help funeral home “stand out” from the competition
Looking for digital marketing help in a very sensitive profession, Music Funeral Services has selected DISRUPT Media to coordinate its social media strategy and content management. Using their proprietary FUNERAL Social Design Process, DISRUPT Media is helping Music Funeral Services reach its goal of standing out from the competition.
“For months, I heard folks say that if you’re not on Facebook, you’re missing the boat,” commented Casey Music, manager of the Valdosta, GA location. “After setting up our Facebook page, I soon found that it’s tough to run a funeral home and do social media well. That’s when I contacted Ryan and began working with DISRUPT.”
Social Media is Not Going Away, but Your Business Might
Oct 5, 2016 8:40:01 AM / by Ryan Thogmartin posted in social media, Blog, Facebook, Funeral Homes
Some things you like, and some things you don’t like. With the things you don’t like, some of them you can ignore. Some you can’t ignore. Some things, no matter whether you ignore them or not, will never go away.